Tuesday, June 30, 2009

hello late twenties, goodbye youth.

Remember when birthdays used to be fun and exciting?
Waking up super early before school to tear open the piles of presents and coming home to an awesome birthday cake covered in rich chocolate icing.
If i was really lucky i was allowed to have the day off school but that was pretty rare.
Now birthdays blend in with the monotony of daily life. Do you think i could get a day off doing the washing up or making the bed with the excuse "it's my birthday, do i have to?"?
What age do birthdays become irrelevant and only celebrated in decades rather than years?
Seems the only perk is getting to gorge on 3 slices of birthday cake and get away with it.

Monday, June 29, 2009

former self destructive party girl goes straight edge and shocks all her peers.

Growing up does strange things to people. I can't remember the last time i was drunk, so i guess it's time to make it official and join the straightedge.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

when i'm a mom everyday will be halloween.
baby zombies. skeleton kids. werewolves, ghosts and vampires.